Modernizing DeltaRCM

Example Model
Example model topography with overlaid reduced-complexity “parcels” paths

pyDeltaRCM is a documented, tested, and modular version of the popular DeltaRCM model [1, 2]. pyDeltaRCM implements a faster version of the reduced-complexity approach to river delta modeling established in the original DeltaRCM model. pyDeltaRCM also enables reproducibility by automatically recording the random-seed used to generate a given model output. Furthermore, the use of Python makes this new model open-source and accessible. Splitting the model into different components in an object-oriented framework has made the code customizable via subclasses and hooks.

For more about this project, refer to the documentation or the source code itself. pyDeltaRCM is an open-source project and we welcome any new developers and contributors to this effort. Currently the project is being developed by Andrew Moodie, Eric Barefoot, and me.


Moodie, A. J., Hariharan, J., Barefoot, E., & Passalacqua, P. (2021). pyDeltaRCM: a flexible numerical delta model. Journal of Open Source Software, 6(64), 3398.

In Other Media

"Building Modern Tools for River Delta Simulation and Analysis," UTIG Discussion Hour, April 13, 2021.
